Thursday, November 02, 2006


Interestingly, I was recently asked about my opinion about human cloning. Would a human clone have a soul? My answer was, you betcha. Why? Because they are humans. When most people think of human cloning they conjure up images of alien devices growing humans like factories can turn out car parts. In fact it doesn't work this way. Human cloning is basically taking a cell from a human subject and inserting the DNA into a new cell line, then allowing the cell to grow and differentiate into another human. It should be understood that we cannot grow a person outside of the womb, so it would grow and be born like all other humans. The process by which a cloned cell is grown is grown is not different than the process that takes place in naturally producing maternal twins. Maternal twins occur when a zygote is split into two zygotes, sharing the same DNA and growing individually. So a human clone, though it might look like someone else, would be a person all its own, with its own set of memories and life experiences. It might grow up to vote differently and believe differently. In every way it would be an individual, completely seperate from its DNA donor. It would have life hopes and dreams, fall in love, love Jesus and even like Pepsi instead of Coke.

We currently do not have the ability to clone humans, but if we did, do not be angry at the clones. Be angry at the people who are bringing them. It is my belief that there is no real use for human cloning except to create slaves. Replacing a child that was lost would not give someone thier child back, but it would create a human with expectations on it that would be unrealistic and akin to slavery. I can think of no real use for the process except some end result that is only destructive to the clone itself. We do not need this.

There is, however, other uses for cloning, besides human cloning. Therapeutic cloning is a completely different animal. When most scientists talk about "cloning" they mean therapeutic cloning. Thius type of cloning produces full grown human livers, ears and noses. Therapeutic cloning produces body parts grown from the donors own cells. This is advancing quite nicely and will be used to treat many diseases, but it will be write the book for human cloning. What we do with that knowledge once we have it is something else entirely. I have little faith in humans because our history reflects our future.

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