Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Seven Seals.... Pause

Before I continue with the next 6 seals let me make a few more statements regarding the first seal. Something that is important is the idea of the four creatures in the throne room, actually the Assembly of El in the Tent of Meeting. The order they are presented in the book is important. It has already been suggested that perhaps they represent the four cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) and the four cardinal points of the zodiac (Winter, Summer, Fall, Spring) however that suggestion has been stoutly resisted by modern scholars, probably because it is slightly repulsive. Scripture prohibits astrology so it tends to be confusing that astrological signs are found in scripture. I see no reason to discount the theory here because it seems to be quite clear. The Lion is Leo (appearing in the Fall), the Bull is Taurus (appearing in the Summer), the Man is Aquarius (appearing in the Spring) and the Eagle is Scorpio (appearing in the Winter). Of course the description of an Eagle rather than a scorpion adds confusion. Why replace a constellation that is clearly in the zodiac? I believe there are a couple of reasons for this. First is found in the symbology itself. The scorpion represents evil, the presence of death (Winter). And because of the position of the scorpion in the night sky it is near several serpents making associated with the serpent, and the sea dragon of chaos. Notice that the stinger is just below the foot of Ophiuchus. Swapping a zodiacal sign is known to have occurred in other civilizations, especially the Akkadians and the Persians. Substituted constellations were generally those seen at the same time either very near to the zodiacal sign during the right time of year or appearing on the horizon just after sun set. The Egyptians considered appearance of the star Sirius as one of the most important events of the year. At any rate, the constellation Aquilla appears just above the western (setting sun) horizon behind Scorpio as the sun sets and continues for a couple of hours until it finally sets as well. It is as though the great Eagle is following the scorpion (associated with the serpent) down below the horizon in an attempt to capture it. Since Eagles represent final judgment it would be an important substitution. So that the Assembly of El, while tolerating the presence of the scorpion, is really waiting on the Eagle to remove it.

The four creatures, representing the four winds of heaven, are in charge of the blessing and cursing that come from those four winds. The book of Enoch describes the types of blessings and curses that come from the four winds, through certain portals or gates located in heaven (which are the constellations of the zodiac). So now we have the four creatures visibly seen in the heavens calling forth the agents of destruction. Actually curses upon the earth. The Lion (Kingly authority, not defensive) calls forth the conqueror. The Bull (symbol of power and fertility) calls forth the agent of war. The Man (symbol of rain from God, fresh water springs and flowing oil) calls forth the agent of scarcity. And the Eagle (symbol of final judgment and salvation) calls forth death and hell. The appropriateness of each of these images is clear. But I have also said that the four agents of destruction were called forth at the fall of Adam. Does this appear in scripture itself? I believe that it does. Actually in Genesis. The first rider appears in Genesis 3:16, as God puts Eve, because of the nature of her sin (which came from her desires) in submission to her husband. Eve, like the image of Israel or the church, represents all of humanity. Adam represents the authority of God in men who have been raised as Shephards of the people, the sons of God. The second rider is seen in Genesis 3:15 where God curses the serpent with hostility between him and the seed of the woman, played out in Cain and Abel, where the righteous are killed by the jealousy and malice of the wicked. The fourth rider is seen in Genesis 3:17, where the ground is cursed for Adam's sake and scarcity will be his lot as he struggles with the earth to provide for himself. And the last rider appears as the centerpeice, Genesis 2:17, the result of the sin of eating from the tree. The four greatest curses that result from the sin of Adam and Eve.

The covenant with Israel temporarily reversed some of these curses for those who kept the covenant. Similar horses are seen riding from between the two bronze mountains (the Mt of blessing and the Mt of cursing) established when the people of Israel swore to keep the covenant with God when God brought the lawsuit against Israel in His Assembly. As they appear, the Man (Aquarius) is in opposition to the Lion (Leo). This is due to the struggle of authoritative power that seems to occur between these two. In the man, as in Adam before the fall, is the perfect Utopia where men bless one another, live in perfect peace and have no need that anyone should rule over them because they ALL serve one another in perfect kindness and love, giving what is needed and full of wisdom, whereas the Lion represents kingly authority, that certain men should rule over everyone maintaining the peace as judge when men disagree and enforcing the laws when men decide to live by passion rather than by wisdom. In opposition to the Bull (Taurus) is the Scorpion (Scorpio). The Bull is the symbol of life and the blessings of the bounty of the earth, the hieght of summer when everything is growing and giving fruit. The scorpion is the symbol of winter's cold and death, when the blessings of the earth are less abundant and the sun's light is dominated by darkness. Considered a time of danger and depression.

On to the second seal next time. It is late and I am getting tired.

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